As per the 5T Policy of Government of Odisha, online Document Uploading in electronic form with authentication by the dealer through digital signature and auto assignment of registration number has been introduced in Vahan-4 for new registration of vehicles at Dealer Point from 06.10.2020 vide circular No. 05 of 2020 dated 01.10.2020 of State Transport Authority, Odisha, Cuttack. This helps the registration process contactless, paperless and hassle free for the stakeholders at the Regional Transport Offices. The requirement of keeping hardcopy of documents will be dispensed and the uploaded digital documents will be used for further reference as and when required as per the Information and Technology Act.
The following documents need to be uploaded by the dealer:
The name of the purchaser mentioned in Form 20 must be the same as that is mentioned in the ID proof of the purchaser. The dealer will be responsible to correctly enter the name in Form 20 as per the ID proof.
Any one of the following original document will be uploaded in support of Identity proof of the purchaser by the dealer after verifying the same:
Aadhaar Card, PAN Card, Voter ID, ID Card issued by State/Central Govt, Indian Passport No ID proof is required to be uploaded for the vehicle, if sold in the name of any farm/ company/corporate body/ state & central government/ PSUs/NGOs.
Aadhaar Card, Voter Id Card, Passbook showing address issued by Scheduled Bank/Post Office, Pay Slip of State Govt. / Central Govt./State PSUs/ Central PSUs (if contains address), ID card issued by State Govt./Central Govt./ State PSUs/ Central PSUs, Indian Passport, Proof of Gas connection, Electricity Bill, Registered/Notarized rent agreement along with address proof of House owner, Pension payment orders with photos, Certificate from Principal/ Registrar of colleges/ Universities in Institutional Letter Head.
Any one of the above original documents will be acceptable for uploading in support of Address proof of the owner.
Photograph (Recent Passport Size) of purchaser with specimen signature of purchaser, if individual. The dealer shall check & verify the passport size photograph of the owner physically and shall ensure that the owner to sign on the photograph before him.
No photograph is required to be uploaded for the vehicle, if sold in the name of any farm/ company/corporate body/ state & central government/ PSUs/NGOs.
Original PAN is to be uploaded, if vehicle sale amount is more than 2 lakh rupees, otherwise not required to upload. In case, if the purchaser is the state or central government, then TAN number is required.
As per the Circular No. 5 of 2020 dated 01.10.2020, for vehicles, as mentioned below, for inspection on fitment of fare meter and entry of fare meter details in VAHAN4, the dealers shall produce the vehicles, in front of the MVI of their jurisdiction for inspection on the next working day during fitness inspection as per time fixed by RTO and submit the copy of the documents such as Money Receipt, Form-22 and documents related to Speed
Limiting Device/ Speed Limiting Function/ GPS/ Fare meter wherever applicable.