A regular traffic fine challan is a physical receipt for any traffic-related offences, while the Motor Vehicle related e-challan is the electronic form of this challan. The document is generated through the Electronic Challan System.
How Does the e-Challan Works?
If a RTO or a Police Officer issued an e-Challan in electronic device for violation of any M.V. Act and rules made thereunder, a copy is handover to driver and an SMS notification is sent to the vehicle owner’s registered mobile number along with the details of the traffic offence. It can be seen through mParivahan app also.
What happens if I don’t pay e-challan?
A non-payment of traffic e-challan will forward to court, for which owner of Motor Vehicle will have to go to the court to make the payment and some vehicle service like Transfer of Ownership, Hypothecation Addition or Termination, etc. are blocked in VAHAN4 till disposal of e-Challan.
Within how many days do I have to pay the traffic e-challan ?
You are required to pay the e-challan within 15 days from the time the challan is issued. Non-payment of the traffic e-challan will lead to the Prosecution report (PR) being sent to the court. See U/S 139 of C.M.V. Rules, 1989.
How to make the e-challan payment through online?
Can I make the e-challan payment through Credit or Debit card?
Yes, you can make the payment through credit or debit card at the time of issue of e-Challan by RTOs or Police Officers. If e-Challan was already issued, you can pay through online by using credit or debit card also.
In which App owner/driver can show MV documents?
mParivahan and Digilocker app. No scan copy of RC and DL need to upload in this app. Only virtual document upload can load automatically after submitting vehicle details in these Apps.
Can Driving Licence suspend for issued e-Challan?
Yes, Driving Licence may be suspended for 3 months of a driver, if offence relating to U/S 206(4) of M.V. Act, 1988.
How to search e-Challan of vehicle.
Can an e-challan be issued for not wearing a helmet by pillion rider?
Yes, if a driver and pillion rider not using protective headgear (helmet) shall be issued e-Challan with order of DL suspension for 3 months. Provide that the helmet is not applicable for Sikh persons who wearing a turban and pillion rider not more than 4 years of age.
Can an e-Challan be issued for non-issuing ticket or demand excess fare in bus?
Yes, if the conductor of a Stage Carriage refuge to supply the ticket or refuse to accept the fare when tendered or issued invalid ticket or issued ticket of a lesser value, the conductor shall prosecuted U/S 178(2) of M.V Act, 1988.
Can a Father give his motorcycle vehicle to his son for driving at Public Place and how to prevent issue of e-Challan?
Yes, if Father is satisfied that his Son has valid Driving Licence of such class. Here it is clarified that, the Owner of the vehicle can give consent to other person like friends and his belonging to drive his vehicle at public road if they have valid Driving Licence to such class. In this way e-Challan cannot be issued for this said purpose.
Can an e-Challan be issued to driver to drive transport vehicle holding a LMV driving licence?
No, e-Challan can’t be issued for driving transport vehicles (LMV) having RLW up to 7500kgs.
What is the meaning of Dangerous driving and what about it fines?
Whoever drives a motor vehicle in a manner which is dangerous to the public or distress to the occupant of the vehicle or other road user which is dangerous and shall be punishable for the first offence with imprisonment for a term of 1 year or fine may be extend to Rs.5000/- or both and for second or Subsequent offence with imprisonment for a term of 3 year or fine may be extend to Rs.10000/- or both.
Can an e-Challan be issued for jumping of Red light at night where no traffic police present?
Yes, punishable for the first offence with imprisonment for a term of 1 year or fine may be extend to Rs.5000/- or both and for second or Subsequent offence with imprisonment for a term of 3 year or fine may be extend to Rs.10000/- or both.
Can an e-Challan be issued for violation of Stop Sign?
Yes, punishable for the first offence with imprisonment for a term of 1 year or fine may be extend to Rs.5000/- or both and for second or Subsequent offence with imprisonment for a term of 3 year or fine may be extend to Rs.10000/- or both.
Can an e-Challan be issued for using Mobile Phone while driving?
Yes, punishable U/S 184(c) for the first offence with imprisonment for a term of 1 year or fine may be extend to Rs.5000/- or both and for second or Subsequent offence with imprisonment for a term of 3 year or fine may be extend to Rs.10000/- or both.
Can an e-Challan be issued for overtaking at no overtaking zone?
Yes, punishable for the first offence with imprisonment for a term of 1 year or fine may be extend to Rs.5000/- or both and for second or Subsequent offence with imprisonment for a term of 3 year or fine may be extend to Rs.10000/- or both.
Can an e-Challan be issued for using ear phone device while driving?
No e-Challan cannot be issued for using ear phone device while driving a vehicle. But e-Challan can be issued for using a hand held communication device while driving a vehicle.
Can an e-Challan be issued for driving against free flow of traffic?
Yes, for the first offence with imprisonment for a term of 1 year or fine may be extend to Rs.5000/- or both and for second or Subsequent offence with imprisonment for a term of 3 year or fine may be extend to Rs.10000/- or both.
Can an e-Challan be issued for not providing way to Ambulance vehicle?
Yes, punishable for offence with imprisonment for a term of Six month or fine may be extend to Rs.10000/- or both. Here fire service vehicles also emergency vehicle and punishable if fails to give way on road. Other vehicle can be deemed as emergency vehicle after specified by State Government. So owner/driver should remember the emergency vehicle type while plying different states.
What are the punishment for drunken driving?
Punishable for the first offence with imprisonment for a term of 6 month or fine may be extend to Rs.10000/- or both and for second or Subsequent offence with imprisonment for a term of 2 year or fine may be extend to Rs.15000/- or both, if the alcohol exceeding 30Mg/100ml. of blood detected in a test by a breath analyser or Medical Test.
Can an e-Challan be issued for driving by a person under the influence Ganja (cannabis)?
Yes, punishable for the first offence with imprisonment for a term of 6 month or fine may be extend to Rs.10000/- or both and for second or Subsequent offence with imprisonment for a term of 2 year or fine may be extend to Rs.15000/- or both. Here drugs are define in clause (XIV) & clause (XXII) of section 2 of the Narcotic Drugs & Psychotropic Substance Act, 1985, which punishable U/S185 of M.V. Act, 1988.
->cannabis (charas) (Ganja)
->coca leaf
->opium poppy
Can an e-Challan be issued for Noise Pollution of vehicle?
Yes, Punishable if the noise pollution level exceeds prescribed limit in decibel for different vehicles as mentioned in C.M.V. Rule 1989 . See U/S 120(2) of C.M.V. Rules, 1989 .
Sl. No.
Category of vehicles
Maximum permissible noise levels
01 |
Two wheelers (Petrol driven)
02 |
All passenger Cars, all petrol driven three-wheelers and diesel driven two wheelers,
03 |
Passenger or Light commercial vehicles including three wheeled vehicles fitted with diesel engine with gross vehicle weight up to 4000 kgs.
04 |
Passenger or commercial vehicles with gross vehicle weight upto above 4000 kgs and up to 12000 Kgs.
05 |
Passengers or commercial vehicles with gross vehicle weight above 12000 Kgs.
Can an e-Challan be issued for plying new vehicle without PUC?
No, if the vehicle age does not exceed 1 year from date of registration of vehicle.
Can an e-Challan be issued for pressure horn or multi toned horn?
Yes, Punishable for the first offence with imprisonment for a term of 3 month or fine may be extended to Rs.10000/- or both and for second or Subsequent offence with imprisonment for a term of 6 month or fine may be extend to Rs.10000/- or both.
Can an e-Challan be issued against a vehicle if PUC demanded and is not able to produce inspite the vehicle having a valid PUC certificate?
If the PUC is issued online for a vehicle the owner can produce the same through mParivahan App and no challan be issued against the vehicle. But in case of manual PUC certificate the owner of the vehicle is bound to produce the same on demand. An eChallan shall be issued which can be cancelled on production of the same before the authority within seven days of issue of challan, failing which he/she is punishable U/S 190(2) of M.V. Act,1988, for the first offence with imprisonment for a term of 3 month or fine may be extend to Rs.10000/- or both and for second or Subsequent offence with imprisonment for a term of 6 month or fine may be extend to Rs.10000/- or both.
Can an e-Challan be issued to vehicle owner for design number plate?
Yes, Punishable U/S 192 of M.V. Act, 1988, for the first offence with fine may be extend to Rs.5000/- and for second or Subsequent offence with fine may be extend to Rs.10000/-.
Can an e-Challan be issued to vehicle for plying at public place in restriction time?
Yes, Punishable, for the offence with fine Rs.20000/-
Can an e-Challan be issued to vehicle for plying at public place with 1 Mtr projection of goods from vehicle?
Yes, Punishable, for the offence with fine Rs.20000/- with off-loading of such load. No side, front, back projection of goods from vehicle is allowed.
Can an e-Challan be issued to Stage carriages carrying commercial goods?
Yes, Punishable for the first offence with imprisonment for a term of 3 months or fine may be extend to Rs.10000/- and for second or Subsequent offence with imprisonment for a term of 6 month or fine may be extend to Rs.10000/- or both.
What are the punishments for offence relating to the accident?
Punishable for the first offence with imprisonment for a term of 6 months or fine may be extend to Rs.5000/- or with both and for second or Subsequent offence with imprisonment for a term of 1 year or fine may be extend to Rs.10000/- or both. when any person is injured or any property of a third party is damaged in a motor vehicle accident, the driver or person in-charge of the vehicle fails to (a) not proving medical aid to the victim of the accident, (b) not giving information regarding the accident, etc., on demand by a police officer or the nearest police station, (c) not giving the information regarding accident to the insurer.
What are the punishments for contract carriage permit holder refuse to ply or to carry passengers.
Punishable U/S 178 of M.V. Act, 1988.
(a)in case of two or three wheeled Motor vehicles be punishable with fines which may extend to Rs 50/-.
(b) in any other case be punishable with fines which may extend to Rs500/- .
What are the punishments for selling defective vehicle to a customer by the dealer?
U/S 182A of M.V.Act, 1988, for the offence with imprisonment for a term of 1 Year or fine may be extend to Rs.100000/- or both. This punishment also to dealer, If the dealer sells the vehicle to customer without registration.
What is punishment for Juveniles for driving a vehicle?
Punishable for the offence with imprisonment for a term of 3 Years and with a fine of Rs.25000/-. The convicted juvenile shall not be eligible for LL or DL till attending of age of 25 years and the registration of certificate of vehicle shall be cancelled for a period of 12 months.
Can e-challan be issued for non-payment of Tax?
Yes, As per U/S 17(2) O.M.V.T. Act, 1975, the officer can seize the motor vehicle and detain it till the tax and penalty is paid as per issued e-challan for tax with Form-I. There is provision in e-Challan system to mention the tax amount if the vehicle was not paid tax in time.
What are the compoundable offences by an Officer for e-Challan?
As per U/S 200 of M.V. Act, 1988, officers of the Transport department can compound the offence U/S 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 182A(1)(3)(4), 182B, 183(1)(2), 184(c), 186, 189, 190(2), 192, 192(A), 194,194A, 194B, 194C, 194D,194E,194F,196,198.
Can an e-Challan be issued for Mechanical Tax?
No, In the M.V. Act, 1988, there is no such type of Mechanical Tax mentioned. Hence no officer can issue e-Challan for mechanical tax.
Can an e-Challan be issued for not using seat belt by passenger?
Yes, the offence is punishable U/S 194B of M.V. Act, 1988, with a fine of Rs.1000/-. As per rule 125 of C.M.V. Rule, 1989, all vehicles shall equip with a seat belt for driver and for the person occupying the front seat, except Motorcycle and three wheelers vehicle.
Can e-Challan be issued for National Permit holder goods vehicles inside Odisha state?
The Goods vehicle shall not pick up or set down between two points in the same State, except Home State. If the vehicle is registered in Odisha, the goods vehicle can ply inside the State holding valid National permit.