Renewal of Registration
- Choose website
- Click on 'online service'
- Click on 'Vehicle Related Service'
- Click on ‘State'
- Enter Vehicle no & click on Proceed
- Then click on 'Renewal of registration' icon
- Enter last 5 digit chassis no & click on 'Validate Registration-no/Chassis-no'
- Click on generate OTP & click on Submit
- Enter OTP & click on submit
- Select the TO or CA option to apply for other RTO than the original RTO
- ln a Disclaimer box, the details like fee collection, current address, permanent address, chassis number in full, engine number in full & color of the vehicle will appear. Verify the correctness of data.
- Select State (State Odisha will be displayed only for Transport Vehicles)
- Select Authority To
- Click on “Terminate” button, if Hypothecation of the vehicle is over.
- Click on Proceed.
- Go for Make Payment.
- Form 28 and Payment Receipt will be generated.
- Visit RTO office with the printed documents with valid Insurance, Tax, Police Verification Certificate (in case of vehicle shifting to other state) for verification and Approval
- lf the displayed data is not correct:
- Tick in the 2nd checkbox and click on Cancel Button to cancel the application process.
- Apply to the concerned Registering Authority to modify the vehicle data. The details are available in the website .
- After rectification, follow the same procedure as it is in the below point.
- lf the displayed data is correct:
- Tick in the 1st checkbox and click on confirm payment.
- After payment receipt is generated.
- Owner has to download all the Forms at the time of receipt print.
- Print the forms & sign in the required places.
- Upload the documents is required in case of RR+TO/ RR+CA (for only RR, Upload Document is not required).
- Visit RTO office with the printed document which were uploaded along with the vehicle.