The office of State Transport Authority is headed by the chairman of RTA and Transport Commissioner who belongs to All India Services of IAS or IPS cadre. The following are the ranks below him:
- Additional Commissioner of Transport(Admin)-OAS, Senior Administrative grade
- Secretary STA- OAS, Senior Administrative grade
- Additional Commissioner Enforcement-IPS/ OPS SAG
- Additional Commissioner Transport Technical-OTES, Sr branch
- Joint Commissioner Tax-OAS(S)
- Joint Commissioner Road Safety-OTES(S)
- Under Secretary General-OAS I
- Under Secretary Permit-OAS I
- Assistant Law Officer
- Establishment Officer
- Section Officer
- Jr Assistant
Transport Department offers excellent career opportunity for general graduates and candidates with degree and diploma in mechanical engineering (Automobile Engineering). There are three entry posts to transport cadre. They are as below:
Jr. Asst. ( in RTOs, Principal DTS and DCT offices):
- Eligibility: 18-32 years (The maximum upper age limit shall be relax able by five years in case of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe candidates)
- Educational Qualification: +3 in any discipline
- Procedure of selection: The Staff Selection Commission, Odisha will select 70% of the total strength of Jr. Asst. and 30% of the sanctioned strength will be deputed from District Offices of the concerned District Collector.
- Scale of Pay: Level-4 of the Pay Matrix ORSP,2017 (5200-20200 with GP-1900).
- Career Progression: A Jr. Asst. after completion of four years of service will be eligible for promotion to the post of Sr. Asst. in the Scale of Pay in Level-7 of the Pay Matrix ORSP,2017. A Sr. Asst. after completion of 12 years in the Sr. Asst. Grade will be eligible for promotion to the post of Section Officer in the Scale of pay in Level-09 of the Pay Matrix.
The recruitment and promotion of Jr. Asst. in filed offices is regulating by the Orissa Transport Ministerial Services (Method of Recruitment and Conditions of Service of Clerks in the Offices subordinate to Transport Commissioner-cum-Chairman, State Transport Authority, Orissa) Rules,2006.
Jr. Asst. in STA (Heads of Department):
- Eligibility: 21-32 years (The maximum upper age limit shall be relax able by five years in respect of reserved categories of candidates)
- Educational Qualification: have passed +3 in Arts/Science/Commerce or possess such other qualification as are equivalent to +3 examination with knowledge of Computer skill.
- Procedure of selection: The Staff Selection Commission, Odisha will select 90% of the total strength of Jr. Asst through competitive examination and 10% of the sanctioned post of Jr. Asst will be filled up by way of promotion among the Group-D employees. Statutory reservation is obeyed in the process of recruitment.
- Scale of Pay: Level-4 of the Pay Matrix ORSP,2017 (5200-20200 with GP-1900).
- Career Progression: A Jr. Asst. after completion of 03 years of service will be eligible for promotion to the post of ASO. in the Scale of Pay in Level-9 of the Pay Matrix ORSP,2017. A ASO. after completion of 12 years including 09 years in the post of ASO. Grade will be eligible for promotion to the post of Section Officer in the Scale of pay in Level-10 of the Pay Matrix. A Section Officer.
The recruitment and promotion of Jr. Asst. in Heads of Department is regulating by the Odisha Heads of Department (Method of Recruitment and Conditions of Service of Junior Assistants, Assistant Section Officers and Section Officers in the offices of the Heads of Departments) Rules, 2019.
A common gradation list of SO is maintained by Home Department, Odisha and their onward promotion to the post of Establishment Officer, Administrative Officer and Sr. Administrative Officer is govern by the Rules called the Odisha Heads of Department (Method of Recruitment and Conditions of service of Establishment officer, Administrative Officer and Senior Administrative Officers in the office of the Heads of Department Common Cadre Rules,2019.
Traffic Constable: The post of Traffic Constable is the entry post to Enforcement Cadre of Transport Department and is governed by the rules called the Odisha Transport Traffic and Enforcement (Method of Recruitment and Conditions of Service) Rule,2013.
- Eligibility: 21-32 years (The maximum upper age limit shall be relaxable by five years in case of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe candidates also for SCBC women, Sportsmen and Ex-Service Man).(Provided that the persons with disability shall not be eligible for recruitment to the service).The candidate must be able to read write and speak Odiya and have-1. Passed middle school examnination with Odiya as a language subject or to passed matriculation or equivalent examination with Odiya as medium of examination in non language subject.
- Educational Qualification: +2 pass in any discipline or equivalent.The candidate must qualify for minimum physical standard and qualify in physical test.
- Procedure of selection: The Staff Selection Commission, Odisha holds competitive examination alongwith physical test for recruitment of Traffic Constables.
- Scale of Pay: Level-7 of Pay Matrix.
- Career Progression: A Traffic Constable on regular appointment for seven years of service will be eligible for consideration to the post of ATSI in the scale of pay Level-7 of the Pay matrix and the ATSI completing at least five years of continuous service is eligible for the post TSI.
Sub-Inspector of Traffic: The post of Sub-Inspector of Traffic is a direct recruitment post to Enforcement Cadre of Transport Department and is governed by the rules called the Odisha Transport Traffic and Enforcement (Method of Recruitment and Conditions of Service) Rule,2013 and 50% will be filled up by way of promotion.
- Eligibility: 21-32 years (The maximum upper age limit shall be relaxable by five years in case of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe candidates also for SCBC women, Sportsmen and Ex-Service Man).
- Educational Qualification: Bachelors Degree in any discipline or equivalent.The candidate must qualify for minimum physical standard and qualify in physical test
- Procedure of selection: The Staff Selection Commission, Odisha holds competitive examination along with physical test for recruitment of Sub-Inspect of Traffic.
- Scale of Pay: Level-9 of Pay Matrix.
- Career Progression: A Sub-Inspector of Traffic on regular appointment for 10 years of service will be eligible for consideration to the post of Inspector Traffic in the scale of pay Level-10 of the Pay matrix and the Inspector of Traffic completing at least five years of continuous service is eligible for the post DST in the scale of pay Level-12 of Pay Matrix.
Jr.MVI: The post of Jr. MVI is a direct recruit post for degree and diploma holders in mechanical (Automobile Engineering).
- Eligibility: 18-32 years (The maximum upper age limit shall be relaxable by five years in case of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe candidates also for SCBC women, Sportsmen and Ex-Service Man).
- Educational Qualification: Minimum Diploma in Mechanical (Automobile Engineering) with work experience of one year in a reputed automobile workshop.
- Procedure of Selection: The Staff Selection Commission, Odisha holds competitive examination along with physical test for recruitment of Jr. MVI.
- Scale of Pay: Level-9 of Pay Matrix.
- Career Progression: A Jr. MVI after successful completion of probation and departmental examination is eligible for promotion to the post of Asst. MVI in the Scale of Pay in Level-10 of Pay matrix. The Asst. MVI can further be promoted to the post of MVI in OTES in the Scale of pay of Level-12 of the pay matrix. Further promotion to the post of RTO, DC, etc. is available.
The recruitment and promotion of Jr. MVI is regulated by Odisha Sub-ordinate Transport Engineering Service Amendment Rule,2013.